King Kong vs Mechagodzilla Movies

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Godzilla vs. Kong will be released in 2021 as a sequel to King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

A follow-up sequel to the film is now under production.

A dramatic confrontation between fabled rivals Godzilla and Kong is the focus of "Godzilla vs. Kong" Along on the adventure is Jia, an orphaned child with whom Kong has built an unbreakable bond. But they find themselves in the path of an infuriated Godzilla, wreaking havoc throughout the globe. It is simply the beginning of the enigma that lurks deep below the Earth's core.

Godzilla and Kong are the only live Titans on Earth in 2024, five years after Godzilla defeated his alien foe Ghidorah. A storm generated by Ghidorah combined with the storm cell that surrounds Skull Island has caused its climate to become unstable, forcing Monarch to confine Kong inside a dome-shaped facility that simulates the island's environment, with an orphaned young Iwi girl named Jia who is deaf and can communicate with Kong via sign language.

The Titan Truth Podcast is a Titan conspiracy theory podcast hosted by Apex Cybernetics employee Bernie Hayes. Hayes had just completed downloading material from the Titan facility in Pensacola when Godzilla appeared and attacked. Bernie finds a curious piece of technology among the remains of the facility after Godzilla's rampage that resembles a big robotic eye.

Immediately after the assault, popular opinion began to change against Godzilla, and the monster was no longer seen as humanity's redeemed hero. After hearing the news of Godzilla's latest assault on her school, Madison Russell, now an adult and a listener of Bernie's podcast, is alarmed and calls Bernie to express her concern. After school, she attempts unsuccessfully to reason with her widowed father Mark (who is serving as Monarch's director) about a potential lead on the cause of Godzilla's rampage, but he ignores everything she says, stating merely that beasts, like humans, may evolve, which she finds absurd. Later, Madison enlists the assistance of her closest friend Josh Valentine in order to track down the person responsible for Godzilla's rampage and uncover the mysteries of Apex.

Apex founder and CEO Walter Simmons teams up with former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist Nathan Lind as they search for a powerful energy source. As Nathan's brother tried to investigate the Hollow Earth, he was murdered by a tremendous anti-gravity field inside the tube. Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, which are modified ships that can endure the gravity field's pressure, according to Walter.

At this moment, Jia detects Godzilla's arrival by detecting vibrations throughout the ship as the Titan approaches and assaults the troops before capsizing the barge, almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing him from his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla beneath long enough to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, sparing the passengers from drowning. Kong gets onboard a neighboring aircraft carrier to confront Godzilla, who climbs aboard to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until fighter aircraft distract Godzilla enough for Kong to force him back into the sea. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong leaps to avoid the explosion, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and take him into the depths of the ocean, aiming to drown the Titan.

When Godzilla is stunned by depth charges, however, their struggle is broken up, allowing Kong to surface for air.

Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks there are others like him through there, and she tells Jia to ask Kong if his family could possibly be down there, prompting the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

A mechanical version of Godzilla, "Mechagodzilla" is being operated by Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son, Walter's top technological officer, Ren Serizawa, as the trio disembarks in the darkened room they found themselves in. Just as soon as Walter activates Mechagodzilla, he throws a gigantic adult Skullcrawler nicknamed "Number 10" into the chamber to see how strong the mecha would be while facing off against the Titans. When the Skullcrawler is about to attack Madison, Josh, and Bernie, Mechagodzilla grabs it and restrains it with a tremendous red energy beam, enabling Josh, Bernie, and Madison to take cover in a tiny hatch. Because of power supply limits, the test is halted at the point of its completion.

Walter plans to use the energy of the Hollow Earth to overcome Mechagodzilla's restrictions, it is revealed later. Madison then understands that Mechagodzilla is the reason Godzilla attacked in the first place: Apex is attempting to replace him and all of the Titans in order for humans to become the Earth's apex species. Madison and the others stumble upon a room where Ren is sitting inside Ghidorah's severed head, which has been turned into a biological supercomputer and cockpit for Ren to control Mechagodzilla through radio waves after Apex acquired it from Alan Jonah after it was bitten off by Godzilla during his battle against Ghidorah five years ago.

Following that, Kong and Nathan's squad continue on their trek, finally arriving to a massive stone temple that previously belonged to Kong's forefathers. They discover remnants of an old struggle between Kong's and Godzilla's races as they explore the inside, and Kong discovers an ancient axe crafted from a dorsal plate of a dead member of Godzilla's race before sitting on a massive throne. Kong discovers that the same power source that Nathan's crew uses to enhance Mechagodzilla's power supply can also be used to replenish the axe. Despite Ilene's protests that Apex cannot just grab the discovery of the century, Maia and the Apex crew employ spider-like drones to collect the power source and return it to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia orders her guards to fire upon Nathan's crew, only for Kong to scream loudly in their defense. In the meanwhile, Mechagodzilla sends a signal to Godzilla, who detects the machine's activation and goes directly for Hong Kong.

Kong accepts Godzilla's challenge and begins to go to Hong Kong with his axe, while Ilene, Nathan, and Jia follow in their HEAV. Kong re-confronts Godzilla in Hong Kong, this time getting the upper hand, shoving his axe down Godzilla's throat to stop him from launching his atomic breath. Kong uses his axe to hurt Godzilla in the thigh, but Godzilla removes the axe and tosses it away. Kong recovers his axe and brings it down on Godzilla, causing an explosion that pushes both Titans back, giving Nathan the impression Kong had won the second round.

Kong and Godzilla both heal and get back on their feet, with Godzilla on the prowl for Kong, who has taken refuge atop a building to avoid the Titan's attention. When Kong throws a construction crane into a building, it distracts Godzilla to the point where he ambushes him from above and places the Titan in a chokehold with the intent of strangling him, only for Godzilla to break free and unleash his full fury on Kong, eventually dislocating his left arm, slashing Kong with his claws, and even stomping on his chest twice, despite Kong's attempts to force Godzilla off of him by punching his wounded thigh The vanquished Kong fiercely roars in defiance against Godzilla after being restrained and held down by the monstrous monster in a display of dominance.

Walter instructs Ren to send out Mechagodzilla to slay Godzilla back at the Apex headquarters. Despite Ren's warnings not to use the new Hollow Earth energy source without first testing it, Walter dismisses Ren's pleas and tells him to activate the mecha. At the same time, security apprehends Bernie, Madison, and Josh for penetrating Apex headquarters and transports them to Walter. Madison blames Walter of inciting Godzilla to war and caused all of this to begin with, yet he boldly responds that he took responsibility for allowing humans to fight back against Godzilla and the Titans.

Unknown to Walter as his back is turned while he monologues about his creation, Mechagodzilla suddenly goes haywire under the influence of both the energy source and Ghidorah's neural networks, resulting in the robot killing Walter with a swipe of its hand and Ren's death by electrocution. Mechagodzilla, now possessed by Ghidorah's consciousness, breaks free from the Apex facility underneath Victoria Peak Mountain and rampages through the city before Godzilla confronts it. Quickly coming into contact with Godzilla, Mechagodzilla fires a barrage of missiles at its organic counterpart before the two engage in battle.

Jia attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his adversary when he wakes up and watches the fight between the two monsters. Jia discloses to Kong that Mechagodzilla, not Godzilla, is the "real" threat, despite Kong's skepticism at first. In the end, Kong accepts and sets aside his resentment before going into fight to support Godzilla while he fixes his dislocated arm.

Kong jumps atop Mechagodzilla and deflect the red energy beam into the air, sparing Godzilla's life. Godzilla helps Kong battle Mechagodzilla after realizing Kong saved his life and that he is not an adversary.

The atomic breath of Godzilla powers up Kong's axe as soon as he sees him wield it, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla and remove its head before raising his trophy in victory and taking a seat to relax.

Madison reconnects with Mark and introduces him to Josh and Bernie, who are delighted to see him and invite him onto his program to talk about the Monarch facility in Roswell. Godzilla appears out of nowhere, causing Kong to grab his axe and continue the fight. Godzilla does not attack Kong, instead staring him down. Kong lowers his axe, putting an end to the conflict between his and Godzilla's species. Godzilla and Kong are now on an equal footing, and Godzilla returns to the water calmly, with Kong and the rest of the audience looking on.

Additional Kaiju

Godzilla vs. Kong has received mostly good reviews. As of April 16, 2021, the film has 341 reviews on the review aggregation site Rotten Tomatoes, 254 of which were fresh, with a "Tomatometer" rating of 74 percent certified Fresh. According to the site's reviewers' consensus feature, "Delivering squarely on its title, Godzilla vs. Kong swats away character development and human drama to deliver all the spectacle you'd expect from giant monsters slugging it out."

Godzilla vs Kong

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